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Treatment of Common Ailments

  • Back pain
  • Headache
  • Heel Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Scheuermann's Disease
  • Spondylolisthesis

    Back Pain

    In a recent study, 1178 school children were surveyed and back pain was found to be cumulatively prevalent in more than 50%. Adolescents who participate in sports experience a higher incidence of back problems due to the excessive spinal loading which accompanies most sports. Similar to adults, chiropractors obtain excellent results treating back pain in children and adolescents. Chiropractic care in children and adolescents is safe, effective, and focuses on treating the cause of their discomfort rather than masking symptoms. Many of our most satisfied patients are children and adolescents.

    1. Troussier B, Davoine P, deGaudemaris R, Fauconnier J, Phelip X. Back pain in school children: a study among 1178 pupils. Scan J Rehabil Med 1994;26:143-146.

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    Headaches are a common problem in children and adolescents. A study published in the journal Headache reported that the prevalence of headaches in schoolchildren aged 7 was over 50% (for headaches occurring in the preceding 6 months). Chiropractic spinal adjustments have been compared for effectiveness in treating headaches with the commonly prescribed drug, amitriptyline. The results of the study identified chiropractic adjustments as providing long term reductions in headache intensity and frequency, as well as lowering the need to take over-the-counter medications to treat headache symptoms. Additionally, 82% of those taking amitriptyline reported side effects versus only 4% in the chiropractic group.

    1. Boline PD, Kassak K, Bronfort G, Nelson C, Anderson AV. Spinal manipulation vs. amitriptyline for the treatment of chronic tension-type headaches: a randomized clinical trial. J Manipulative Ther 1995;18:148-154.

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    Heel Pain

    Heel pain in a child is commonly caused by a condition known as, "Severs Disease." It's caused by chronic strain at the achilles tendon attachment on the calcaneus. It is generally found in 8-13 year olds and the complaint is pain in the area of the heel. Chiropractic care focuses on correcting any biomechanical problems, utilizing therapeutic stretches and exercises, manipulating any "locked" extremity and spinal joints, and various manual therapies.

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    Knee Pain

    Two conditions commonly cause knee pain in children and adolescents, "Osgood-Schlatter Disease" and "Chondromalacia Patella".

    In Osgood-Schlatter Disease, the affected age is from 9-15 years and pain, tenderness and swelling is experienced just below the knee. This is actually the patellar (knee cap) tendon pulling away from it's bony attachment on the tibia. Chiropractors can effectively treat this condition through manual therapies including therapeutic quadriceps stretching and exercises. There is also an Osgood-Schlatter support which helps minimize stress on the tendinous insertion.

    Chondromalacia patella is common in adolescent females and young adults. In this condition, the underside of the patella (knee cap) begins to roughen and become painful. There is generally deep knee pain which is made worse by climbing or descending stairs as well as sitting with the knee flexed for extended periods of time. This condition can worsen and it should receive corrective care which focuses on correcting any biomechanical faults and stresses present in the spine, hip, knee and foot.

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    Select the "Scoliosis" link in the links menu.

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    Scheuermann's Disease

    Scheuermann's disease is a condition which causes persistent low-grade back pain, accentuated thoracic kyphosis (increase in mid back prominence), and a "rounded shoulder" posture. It is most common in the adolescent male. In this condition, there is injury to the surfaces of the vertebrae resulting in a number of wedge shaped thoracic vertebrae. Regular chiropractic care can help reduce symptoms of pain and discomfort as well as optimize spinal biomechanics and stresses. This is important as this condition predisposes the individual to the development of osteoarthritis later in life.

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    This term is applied to a spinal vertebrae which has slipped forward relative to other vertebrae. It almost always is located in the lower back (4th or more commonly 5th lumbar vertebrae). While this condition is usually asymptomatic in children, identification of the "spondy" is important so that the child can avoid sports that cause axial loading on the spine (i.e. weight lifting, football, etc.) so that the slippage does not progress during periods of rapid adolescent skeletal growth. This condition can be identified through the use of x-rays which reveal presence and extent of slippage.

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